Continuous Execute Java Class Using Build xml
4.1. Process
Create a file in the main folder:
Describe expected treatments
"Push" on the GitLab repo
Control results
4.2. Example
image: node:4.2.2 (1) all_tests: script: (2) - npm install express --save - node ./myapp.js
1 | Name of the "runner" |
2 | Instructions for the virtual machine |
Results :
Figure 4. Attention au code infini
Another .gitlab-ci.yml
- npm install express --save - node ./specs/start.js ./specs/async.spec.js
Figure 5. Le build est un succès
4.2.1. Code
package org.jmb; public class HelloWorld { private String name = ""; public String getName() { return name; } public String getMessage() { if (name == "") { return "Hello!"; } else { return "Hello " + name + "!"; } } public void setName(String name) { = name; } }
4.2.2. Testing main
package org . jmb ; public class Main { public static void main ( String [] args ) { org . jmb . HelloWorld h = new org . jmb . HelloWorld (); h . setName ( "JMB" ); System . out . println ( h . getMessage ()); } }
4.2.3. Compilation by hand
$ javac -sourcepath src -d bin/ src/ $ ls bin HelloWorld.class Main.class $ java -cp bin Main Hello JMB!
4.2.4. Ant build
<project> <target name= "clean" > <delete dir= "bin" /> </target> <target name= "build" > <mkdir dir= "bin" /> <javac srcdir= "src" destdir= "bin" /> </target> <target name= "jar" > <mkdir dir= "bin/jar" /> <jar destfile= "bin/jar/HelloWorld.jar" basedir= "bin" > <manifest> <attribute name= "Main-Class" value= "Main" /> </manifest> </jar> </target> <target name= "run" > <java jar= "bin/jar/HelloWorld.jar" fork= "true" /> </target> </project>
$ ant clean build jar $ ant run Buildfile: /Users/bruel/HelloWorld/build.xml run: [java] Hello JMB! BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 0 seconds
4.2.5. Improvements
build.xml (amélioré)
<project name= "HelloWorld" basedir= "." default= "main" > <property name= "src.dir" value= "src" /> <property name= "build.dir" value= "bin" /> <property name= "classes.dir" value= "${build.dir}/classes" /> <property name= "jar.dir" value= "${build.dir}/jar" /> <property name= "main-class" value= "Main" /> <target name= "clean" > <delete dir= "${build.dir}" /> </target> <target name= "compile" > <mkdir dir= "${classes.dir}" /> <javac srcdir= "${src.dir}" destdir= "${classes.dir}" /> </target> <target name= "jar" depends= "compile" > <mkdir dir= "${jar.dir}" /> <jar destfile= "${jar.dir}/${}.jar" basedir= "${classes.dir}" > <manifest> <attribute name= "Main-Class" value= "${main-class}" /> </manifest> </jar> </target> <target name= "run" depends= "jar" > <java jar= "${jar.dir}/${}.jar" fork= "true" /> </target> <target name= "clean-build" depends= "clean,jar" /> <target name= "main" depends= "clean,run" /> </project>
$ ant Buildfile: /Users/bruel/HelloWorld/build.xml clean: [delete] Deleting directory /Users/bruel/HelloWorld/bin compile: [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/bruel/HelloWorld/bin/classes [javac] Compiling 2 source files to /Users/bruel/HelloWorld/bin/classes jar: [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/bruel/HelloWorld/bin/jar [jar] Building jar: /Users/bruel/HelloWorld/bin/jar/HelloWorld.jar run: [java] Hello JMB! main: BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 1 second
4.2.6. Tests
src/ (failing)
package org . jmb ; public class TestHelloWorld extends junit . framework . TestCase { public void testNothing () { } public void testWillAlwaysFail () { fail ( "An error message" ); } }
build.xml (external librairies)
<project name= "HelloWorld" basedir= "." default= "main" > <property name= "src.dir" value= "src" /> <property name= "build.dir" value= "bin" /> <property name= "classes.dir" value= "${build.dir}/classes" /> <property name= "jar.dir" value= "${build.dir}/jar" /> <property name= "main-class" value= "Main" /> <property name= "lib.dir" value= "lib" /> <path id= "classpath" > <fileset dir= "${lib.dir}" includes= "**/*.jar" /> </path> <target name= "clean" > <delete dir= "${build.dir}" /> </target> <target name= "compile" > <mkdir dir= "${classes.dir}" /> <javac srcdir= "${src.dir}" destdir= "${classes.dir}" classpathref= "classpath" /> </target> <target name= "jar" depends= "compile" > <mkdir dir= "${jar.dir}" /> <jar destfile= "${jar.dir}/${}.jar" basedir= "${classes.dir}" > <manifest> <attribute name= "Main-Class" value= "${main-class}" /> </manifest> </jar> </target> <path id= "application" location= "${jar.dir}/${}.jar" /> <target name= "run" depends= "jar" > <java fork= "true" classname= "${main-class}" > <classpath> <path refid= "classpath" /> <path refid= "application" /> <path location= "${jar.dir}/${}.jar" /> </classpath> </java> </target> <target name= "junit" depends= "jar" > <junit printsummary= "yes" > <classpath> <path refid= "classpath" /> <path refid= "application" /> </classpath> <batchtest fork= "yes" > <fileset dir= "${src.dir}" includes= "" /> </batchtest> </junit> </target> <target name= "clean-build" depends= "clean,jar" /> <target name= "main" depends= "clean,run" /> </project>
$ ant junit Buildfile: /Users/bruel/HelloWorld/build.xml compile: jar: junit: [junit] Running TestHelloWorld [junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0,003 sec [junit] Test TestHelloWorld FAILED BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 1 second
package org . jmb ; import static org . junit . Assert .*; import org.junit.Before ; import org.junit.Test ; public class TestHelloWorldReal { private org . jmb . HelloWorld h ; @Before public void setUp () throws Exception { h = new org . jmb . HelloWorld (); } @Test public void testHelloEmpty () { assertEquals ( h . getName (), "" ); assertEquals ( h . getMessage (), "Hello!" ); } @Test public void testHelloWorld () { h . setName ( "World" ); assertEquals ( h . getName (), "World" ); assertEquals ( h . getMessage (), "Hello World!" ); } }
Figure 6. Un test exécuté sous eclipse
Figure 7. Utilisation d'infinitest sous eclipse
4.2.7. Eclipse
Figure 8. Export du bild ant sous eclipse
build.xml (eclipse)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <!-- WARNING: Eclipse auto-generated file. Any modifications will be overwritten. To include a user specific buildfile here, simply create one in the same directory with the processing instruction <?eclipse.ant.import?> as the first entry and export the buildfile again. --> <project basedir= "." default= "build" name= "HelloWorld" > <property environment= "env" /> <property name= "junit.output.dir" value= "junit" /> <property name= "debuglevel" value= "source,lines,vars" /> <property name= "target" value= "1.8" /> <property name= "source" value= "1.8" /> <path id= "JUnit 4.libraryclasspath" > <pathelement location= "../../../.p2/pool/plugins/org.junit_4.12.0.v201504281640/junit.jar" /> <pathelement location= "../../../.p2/pool/plugins/org.hamcrest.core_1.3.0.v201303031735.jar" /> </path> <path id= "HelloWorld.classpath" > <pathelement location= "bin" /> <path refid= "JUnit 4.libraryclasspath" /> </path> <target name= "init" > <mkdir dir= "bin" /> <copy includeemptydirs= "false" todir= "bin" > <fileset dir= "src" > <exclude name= "**/*.launch" /> <exclude name= "**/*.java" /> </fileset> </copy> </target> <target name= "clean" > <delete dir= "bin" /> </target> <target depends= "clean" name= "cleanall" /> <target depends= "build-subprojects,build-project" name= "build" /> <target name= "build-subprojects" /> <target depends= "init" name= "build-project" > <echo message= "${}: ${ant.file}" /> <javac debug= "true" debuglevel= "${debuglevel}" destdir= "bin" includeantruntime= "false" source= "${source}" target= "${target}" > <src path= "src" /> <classpath refid= "HelloWorld.classpath" /> </javac> </target> <target description= "Build all projects which reference this project. Useful to propagate changes." name= "build-refprojects" /> <target name= "Main" > <java classname= "org.jmb.Main" failonerror= "true" fork= "yes" > <classpath refid= "HelloWorld.classpath" /> </java> </target> <target name= "TestHelloWorld" > <mkdir dir= "${junit.output.dir}" /> <junit fork= "yes" printsummary= "withOutAndErr" > <formatter type= "xml" /> <test name= "org.jmb.TestHelloWorld" todir= "${junit.output.dir}" /> <jvmarg line= "-ea" /> <classpath refid= "HelloWorld.classpath" /> </junit> </target> <target name= "junitreport" > <junitreport todir= "${junit.output.dir}" > <fileset dir= "${junit.output.dir}" > <include name= "TEST-*.xml" /> </fileset> <report format= "frames" todir= "${junit.output.dir}" /> </junitreport> </target> </project>
Figure 9. Run de ant sous eclipse
Figure 10. Présentation des résultats de test
4.2.8. Continuous Integration
.gitlab-ci.yml (at the root of the git project)
image : openjdk:8 before_script : - apt-get update - apt-get -y install ant stages : - build - test ci_build : stage : build script : - cd HelloWorld - ant clean - ant build ci_test : stage : test script : - cd HelloWorld - ant clean build TestHelloWorld
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